Archive for Home Decor

The Importance of Maintaining a Clean Home

Ok, so I think we can all agree that the worst thing about visiting friends or relatives is that some of them just don’t have the same standards when it comes to cleanliness as the rest of us do. I’m not anal-retentive about my house being spotless, and I don’t do the dishes immediately after finishing a meal, although I normally do at least put them in the dishwasher. Doesn’t everyone?

But seriously, I maybe vacuum my floors once a week or once every other week, and I can go to bed not having done the dishes. I just do them the next morning. I do have my favorite carpet cleaners clean my carpets at least once every 6-8 months. THAT I am a bit anal about. It makes such a huge difference though!

I went to college. I lived the young bachelor lifestyle that consists of always going out and rarely being home. When I was home, there was a party to be had at my house any opportunity available! Which does not help matters in the least.



Let’s just say I grew out of that phase…thankfully!

Not everyone does, so I see my graduation into adulthood as an indication that I’ve matured…at least on some level. There may be some work to be done in other areas, but at least my home LOOKS like a place that a fully realized adult would live.

I have my ex-girlfriend to thank for helping me become a more organized, more presentable person. SHE was anal! But not in an aggressive way. More like when I left my shoes in the middle of the living room floor or under the dining room table, she wouldn’t say anything about it but would subtly and quietly pick them up and place them by the door where they belonged. Most times I didn’t even realize or witness her doing it. She wasn’t one to harp on me for much if anything. She was cool….wonder what she’s up to tonight?

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